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Travel Insurance

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Peace of Mind Traveling

Travel should be fun and relaxing. Unfortunately, Emergencies happen when you least expect it. Travel protection can provide coverage for Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Medical and Dental, Baggage, Baggage Delay, Travel Delay and much more. Plus, we offer 24-hour Traveler Assistance Service to help you with emergency situations that arise during your trip.

Many travel arrangements are non-refundable, and the best airline and cruise deals usually provide few options if you must cancel your trip. And, how many times has your flight been cancelled or delayed? Often, your personal medical insurance provides little or no coverage when traveling abroad.

Protect your travel investment and recover non-refundable trip costs if a trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered reason. Click below for more information about plans available or to purchase coverage online. Please note, we are available to answer any questions and assist in selecting the plan that is right for you. In addition, should you need to file a claim we are here to assist you through the entire process.